Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, full of festive vibes, food, presents, family gatherings, and more.
Apart from the opening of gifts, playing Christmas games, and sharing Christmas riddles allow us to spend more quality time with our families and not get sucked into our phones after the festivities.
Christmas Would You Rather questions can be played by everyone in the family. Though the questions are rather silly, it’s always fun to hear how everyone justifies their answers.
This fun and easy game can be used all season long and will surely bring laughter to everyone. On Christmas Eve, put on some holiday music and play games as a family.
I’ve compiled a list of ‘Would You Rather’ Christmas Edition questions, which you can download for your next holiday gathering.
🎅 If you’re looking for more fun Christmas activities this holiday season, we’ve created the ultimate Christmas Bucket List Ideas with Free Printable for you to choose your favorite activities.
How To Play Would You Rather Christmas Game
There are several ways to play this game.
1. One Person Answers
You can play Would You Rather in turns to ensure that everyone gets a chance. The purpose of this is to keep track of who has read a statement and given their answer. No one comes out as a winner in this game, and normally, when someone gives an intriguing reply, they are often asked to explain their choice.
2. Everyone Answers
You read out the question and everyone gets a chance to answer which they would rather do. There’s no winner if you play this way, just fun listening to which answers people share.
3. Pairs Answer
Split everyone into pairs and ask the question. On the count of three, they must say their answer out loud. If their answers match, then their team gets a point. The pair with the most points at the end of the game wins.
4. Majority Rules
Give everyone a piece of paper and a pen to write down their answers. They should try to guess what the majority of the people in the room will answer to win a point. The person with the most points at the end wins.
Christmas Would You Rather for Kids
There are several reasons why Christmas Would You Rather questions are good for children, besides the fact that they are a fun activity.
As they are forced to weigh their options on the spot, Would You Rather questions promote critical thinking skills.
They can analyze the choices and make sense of them through the questions, and then make a decision and possibly even explain their choice.
Due to kids’ vivid imaginations, they may envision themselves in the given scenario. You’re going to hear them burst out laughing if it’s something silly or funny.
This fun game can be played as icebreaker questions, during a holiday meal with kids, or gather them up and play after opening their presents.
Here are some of the Christmas Would You Rather questions for kids.
- Would you rather take a look at Santa’s list or peek at your presents?
- Would you rather Have Rudolf follow you around every day until Christmas or be followed by Frosty the Snowman?
- Would you rather have candy cane legs or gumdrops for your eyes?
- Would you rather be an Elf at the North Pole or one of Santa’s Reindeer?
- Would you rather be an angel on top of the tree or a Jack in the Box toy?
- Would you rather work in Santa’s workshop or work in a giant toy store?
- Would you rather meet the Grinch or be the Grinch?
- Would you rather have a red nose that lights up or have pointy elf ears?
- Would you rather swim in hot chocolate or swim in eggnog?
- Would you rather be able to sit down and eat cookies with Santa or spend a whole day at the North Pole with the elves?
- Would you rather eat spaghetti topped with candy canes, candy corn, and syrup or eat a dozen chocolate-covered cherries at once?
- Would you rather Santa’s red suit to school or wear a green elf suit to school?
- Would you rather know what every single gift you are getting actually is or be completely surprised?
- Would you rather get a puppy or video games for Christmas?
- Would you rather have large ornaments for earrings or a decorated wreath necklace?
- Would you rather receive one big present or receive 10 small presents?
- Would you rather have your elf on a shelf talk to you or talk with your Christmas tree?
- Would you rather go sledding or take a horse-drawn sleigh ride?
- Would you rather have an advent calendar filled with toys or filled with candy?
- Would you rather be the one to see Santa come down the chimney or receive 100 gifts?
- Would you rather have snow on Christmas day or receive one extra present?
Christmas Would You Rather for Teens
In order to keep teens from becoming bored, ask them some Christmas Would You Rather questions.
It’s a helpful way to keep them occupied without getting glued to their phones.
Would You Rather questions are an excellent way for parents to bond with their teens on a more personal level. You will get to know your teen better based on the answers they provide.
Take a look at these clever Christmas Would You Rather questions for teens.
- Would you rather walk barefoot on a mile-long path of Lego blocks to get everything you’ve ever wanted for Christmas or throw away 10 other people’s presents to get everything you’ve ever wanted for Christmas?
- Would You Rather spend Christmas with the entire family or with three celebrities of your choice?
- Would you rather have everything you touch crumble and fall apart like snow or have everything you touch turn to solid ice?
- Would you rather be a kid or a grandparent during the holidays?
- Would you rather get $100 for Christmas or get $1000 to buy your family Christmas presents?
- Would you rather get every single thing you really want for Christmas or have your crush confess their love to you on Christmas?
- Would you rather reach into your stocking and find a dead mouse or reach into your stocking to find a live mouse?
- Would you rather participate in a Secret Santa or volunteer at a shelter?
- Would you rather celebrate Christmas at Hogwarts or Christmas with the Peanuts gang on Charlie Brown?
- Would you rather celebrate Christmas 2 times per year or celebrate your birthday 2 times per year?
- Would you rather wear matching ugly sweaters with your family or matching PJs??
- Would you rather find out Santa Claus was real or Tooth Fairies were real?
- Would you rather stick your hand in a bucket of ice water or stick your face in a pile of snow?
- Would you rather be best friends with Santa’s elf or have Rudolf as a pet?
- Would you rather give your crush a three-year-old fruit cake or a pair of used Christmas socks??
- Would you rather be able to travel the world in Santa’s sleigh or own a car?
- Would you rather unwrap a gift filled with spiders or have Santa Claus as your roommate for five years?
- Would you rather say Merry Christmas in all languages or memorize all of the Christmas carols?
- Would you rather open your presents on Christmas Eve or on Christmas morning?
- Would you rather listen to Christmas Dad Jokes or Christmas Knock Knock jokes?
- Would you rather have a whole snow week off from school or an extra week of summer holidays?
🤓 Suggested read: Random Questions To Ask Teenagers
Christmas Would You Rather for Adults
Although this game is typically enjoyed by children, it is also a fascinating conversation starter for adults.
With the right people and statements, Would You Rather can be a lot of fun!
Find out how your family and friends justify their answers to our Christmas Would You Rather for adults.
- Would you rather wrap 100 presents or decorate 10 trees?
- Would you rather have 7 hours of Christmas shopping or 10 hours of Christmas movies?
- Would you rather have mittens for hands or Skis for feet?
- Would you rather be home with family for the Holidays or Disneyworld by yourself?
- Would you rather wrap Christmas presents for 8 hours or help children take pictures with Santa at the Mall?
- Would you rather get your kids to hang all the ornaments on the tree or put up all the outside Christmas lights?
- Would you rather make toys all year long or play with toys all year long?
- Would you rather watch Hallmark Christmas movies on repeat all day or bake Christmas treats all day?
- Would you rather have the outside of your house totally decorated and the inside empty or the inside of your house totally decorated and the outside bare?
- Would you rather get proposed to on Christmas Eve or get married on Christmas Day?
- Would you rather pull an all-nighter without coffee or forget an important holiday event that you were supposed to show up to?
- Would you rather spend a long time finding the best deal on a gift or spend more money but only shop for a small amount of time?
- Would you rather have a holiday party every night of the month or no holiday parties to attend?
- Would you rather star in a remake of ”Home Alone” or star in a remake of ”Elf”?
- Would you rather never hear Christmas music again or be forced to listen to Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” 10 times every day forever?
- Would you rather get accidentally locked in the mall or stuck at the airport on Christmas Eve?
- Would you rather do a white elephant gift exchange or do a secret Santa gift exchange?
- Would you rather work as a mall Santa for the rest of your life or become the real Santa and have to live in the North Pole?
- Would you rather travel over the holidays or stay home?
- Would you rather have to cook the Christmas feast every year or have to do all the dishes after the holiday meal every year?
- Would you rather have a snowy Christmas or a hot Christmas?
Free Christmas ‘Would You Rather’ Printable Download
Download your free Christmas ‘Would You Rather’ printable below.
Watch some more Christmas Would You Rather ideas in the video below:
160 Tree-mendously Funny Christmas Puns That Sleigh