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Best Knock Knock Thanksgiving Jokes For Kids

Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and we’ve got a great collection of knock-knock jokes for you to enjoy while stuffing yourself with turkey.

Knock-knock jokes are fun to pass the time during the holidays. Corny jokes are often the best jokes for kids. While you’re busy in the kitchen, give the kids and teens some kid-friendly jokes to share with everyone else.

We have the best jokes about turkeys, Thanksgiving jokes and riddles, and some slightly dirty (but still child-friendly) knock-knock jokes about your favorite holiday.

Download the FREE printables and share them to get everyone laughing at the dinner table.

I hope you enjoy these jokes as much as I do!

🦃 You might also like to read:

Knock Knock Thanksgiving Jokes

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Holly who?

Holly days like Thanksgiving are wonderful.

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Nate who?

Nate too much on Thanksgiving last year.

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Savvy who?

Savvy me the drumstick!

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Diana who?

Diana thirst over here. Get me a drink!

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Olive who?

Olive some stuffing too!

Knock, Knock!

Who’s there?


Ivana who?

Ivana thank you for this lovely meal.

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Manny who?

Manny guests are coming for Thanksgiving dinner.

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Aiken who?

Aiken eat no more!

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Don who?

Don eat all the gravy. I want some more!

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Sid who?

Sid down. It’s time to eat!

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Ben who?

Ben nice to see our relatives on Thanksgiving.

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Arthur who?

Arthur any Thanksgiving leftovers?

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Howie who?

Howie going to spend Thanksgiving?

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Aida who?

Aida lot more than I should have!

Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes

Best Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes

We’ve got some knock-knock jokes that will make even the king of dad jokes cringe.

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Wilma who?

Wil Ma make cookies for Thanksgiving?

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Ava who?

Ava seen A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving?

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Possum who?

Possum gravy on my potatoes, please.

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Odette who?

Odette’s a nice-looking pumpkin pi

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Nadia who?

Nadia your head if you want pumpkin pie.

Best Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Harry who?

Harry up, I’m starving!

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Gladys who?

Gladys Thanksgiving. Let’s eat!

Knock knock!

Who’s there?


Esther who?

Esther any more gravy?

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Emma who?

Emma real good helper on Thanksgiving.

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Dewey who?

Dewey have to wait long to eat?

Knock knock!

Who’s there?


Arthur who?

Arthur any more sweet potatoes?

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Tamara who?

Tamara we’ll eat all the leftovers!

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?

Norma Lee.

Norma Lee who?

Norma Lee, I don’t drink or eat this much.

Funny Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes

You’ll surely get a good laugh this Thanksgiving with these funny knock-knock jokes. 

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Dez who?

Dezaster in the kitchen when Dad tries to make the gravy.

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Happy who?

Happy Thanksgiving to you.

Knock Knock!

Who’s there? 


Handsome who? 

Handsome gravy to me, please.

Funny Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Waddle who?

Waddle you do for a big piece of pumpkin pie?

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Emma who?

Emma real pig when it comes to eating Turkey!

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Hank who?

Hanksgiving is almost here!

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Butter who?

Butter open up quick; I have a funny Thanksgiving joke to tell you!

🦃 Suggested read: Thanksgiving Word Search Puzzles For Kids (PDF Download)

Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes Turkey

When it’s time for your tasty Thanksgiving feast, don’t forget to share these hilarious turkey-themed jokes with your family and friends!

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Patty who?

Patty me on the back for making such a tender turkey.

Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes Turkey

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Darryl who?

Darryl be plenty of food for everyone on Turkey Day?

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Annie who?

Annie body seen the leftover turkey?

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Aaron who?

Aaron you having more turkey?

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Drew who?

Drew hand turkeys for all the place settings.

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Franny who?

Franny more gravy for the turkey?

Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes Riddles

These family-friendly jokes include cute jokes, gravy jokes, turkey jokes, and even some corny dad jokes to make your Thanksgiving even sweeter.

  • How did the turkey get home for Thanksgiving? 🦃 He took the gravy train!
  • What role do green beans play in Thanksgiving dinner? 🦃 The casse-role
  • Almost everyone eats me, and that’s not a surprise. My taste is great both as chips and as fries. What am I? 🦃 Potato
  • If you are too harsh and make cranberries sad, what happens? – They become blueberries
  • What type of key won’t open doors? 🦃 A tur-key
  • I spy with my little eye. As an orange squash, I am baked into a pie. What am I? 🦃 Pumpkin
  • What is the reason why the Pilgrims didn’t reveal their secrets to each other in the cornfield? 🦃 The corn had ears
  • At Thanksgiving, it’s served with the main course. Your plate gets topped with it as a sauce. What is it? 🦃 Cranberry sauce
  • The day after Thanksgiving, what is a turkey called? 🦃 Lucky
  • Is there anyone who doesn’t eat on Thanksgiving? 🦃 The turkey, since it is always stuffed.
  • Why did the turkey cross the road? 🦃 He wanted to fool people into thinking he was a chicken.
Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes Riddles
  • What did the pumpkin say after Thanksgiving? 🦃 Good-pie everyone!
  • Before it was roasted, what did the turkey say? 🦃 Wow, I’m stuffed!
  • When a turkey runs, what do you call it? 🦃 Fast food
  • When a turkey limps, what sound does it make? 🦃 Wobble, wobble!
  • Which part of a turkey is the most musical? 🦃The drumstick
  • Evil turkeys are called what? 🦃 Poultry-geist
  • Stuffing a turkey: what’s the best way to do it? 🦃 Let him eat pizza and ice cream all day long!
  • Which Thanksgiving food does a turkey enjoy most? 🦃 Nothing. The turkey is already stuffed.
  • When preparing a turkey, what song would be the best to sing? 🦃 “All About That Baste.”
  • Is there a dessert that a turkey enjoys the most? 🦃 Peach gobbler!
  • How can you make a turkey float? 🦃 With two scoops of ice cream, root beer, and a turkey.
  • What was the reason for letting the turkey join the band? 🦃 It was because he had drumsticks.
  • What is the most feathered side of the turkey? 🦃 The outside.
  • When you cross an octopus with a turkey, what do you get? 🦃 A sufficient amount of drumsticks for Thanksgiving
  • Why was the turkey arrested? 🦃 Fowl play was suspected.
  • In the case of Pilgrims taking the Mayflower, what would college students use when they are traveling? 🦃 Scholar ship
  • Is there a reason why Thanksgiving soup was so expensive? 🦃 There were 24 carrots in it.
  • What is the favorite sport of a pumpkin? 🦃 Squash
  • The Pilgrims preferred what kind of music? 🦃 Plymouth rock
  • On Thanksgiving, what is hard, oddly shaped, and brings you good luck? 🦃 A wishbone
  • When a pilgrim is in pain, what face does he make? 🦃 Pil-grimace
  • If the sweet potato were asked if it was hungry, what would it say? 🦃 Yes, I yam.

For more Thanksgiving Knock-Knock jokes you might like the following book:

104 Funny Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes 4 kids: Best knock knock jokes (2)

  • Funny Knock-Knock Jokes
  • Suitable for kids of all ages
  • Turkey jokes
  • Food jokes
  • Holiday jokes
  • Funny jokes
  • Corny dad jokes

Thanksgiving Knock Knock Jokes Dirty

  • What does a roasted Turkey say when it flirts? 🦃 “Hey, I just met you, and this is gravy. So carve me, maybe”.
  • Before Thanksgiving, why did Turkey visit the Plastic Surgeon? 🦃 There was an immediate need for breast reduction!
  • What causes Pilgrims’ pants to fall down? 🦃 They wear their buckles on their hats.
  • What do strippers eat for Thanksgiving? 🦃 Twerky.
  • What was the reason for accusing the beans of jealousy? 🦃 There was something green about them.
  • A pumpkin pie talked to another pumpkin pie. What did it say? 🦃 Do you want a piece of me?
  • What caused the cranberries to turn red? 🦃 Their eyes were drawn to the turkey dressing.
  • Is there something that’s usually insulting but not on Thanksgiving? 🦃 You receive the bird from a family member.
  • What do you call the evil twin of a turkey? 🦃 Gobblegänger
  • What do you call a rude turkey? 🦃 A jerk-ey!
  • When potatoes drink too much, what happens? 🦃 They get smashed
  • How are Election Day and Thanksgiving different? 🦃 The turkey you get on Thanksgiving is for one day only. The turkey you get on Election Day is for four years.
  • How are chickens and turkeys different? 🦃 Chickens celebrate Thanksgiving.
  • What’s the reason you can’t take a turkey to church? 🦃 It is because they speak in such a fowl language.
  • On Thanksgiving, what are turkeys thankful for? 🦃 Vegans

I’ve created printable knock-knock joke cards and riddles that you can download and print at home. Cut out the jokes and hand them out to your guests to share.
