Thanksgiving is all about family, counting our blessings, plenty of great food, and of course, playing games together.
‘Would You Rather’ is a fun ice-breaker game you can play with anyone, anywhere.
We share our best Thanksgiving Would You Rather questions, which you can print at home (FREE downloads available.)
- How To Play Thanksgiving Would You Rather
- Thanksgiving Would You Rather
- This Or That Thanksgiving Edition
- Funny Thanksgiving Questions
- Thanksgiving Would You Rather For Kids
- Thanksgiving Questions For Students
- Thanksgiving Icebreaker Questions
- Thanksgiving Would You Rather Funny
- Thanksgiving Would You Rather PDF
How To Play Thanksgiving Would You Rather
There are several ways to play the Would You Rather Thanksgiving version. How you choose to play the game will depend on when you wish to play.
One Person Answers
If you’d like to ask Would You Rather questions while eating your Thanksgiving dinner at the dinner table, it’s probably best to ask one person at a time.
You can either choose a person randomly to answer the first question or ask the questions clockwise around the table.
Once a person chooses their answer, you can spend some time discussing why they prefer it. Engaging in further discussions with family members by debating answers is a great way to connect with them.
Have Everyone Answer
Having everyone answer the questions is the traditional way to play Thanksgiving Would You Rather.
Select one question and ask the entire group the same question. Indicate which side of the room people should go to for answer A and answer B when giving the answers.
As soon as the options have been read, everyone must move to the side of the room that correlates with their choice.
Let people chat for a minute or two before moving on to the next question if you want to encourage chatting and getting to know one another.
Once they’ve answered the first question, you’ll move on to the next.
Challenge For Two
You will need to split everyone into pairs to play this version. It becomes a sort of compatibility game!
Ask each team a question and count to three. They should both say their answers out loud on the count of three.
Matching answers earns them points. Keep asking them questions until they do not match a question. When the pair do not match a question, you can move on to the next team.
As an alternative to doing one pair at a time, you can also have everyone say their answers out loud and see who matches up rather than doing it individually. It would be hilarious to watch everyone give out their answers.
Whichever way you choose, the pair with the most points wins.
Majority Wins
Provide everyone with a piece of paper and a pen before you begin. Get people to respond to the question by writing them down. Count to three, which is the cue for them to reveal their answers. Those who match the majority win a point. Repeat the process with the rest of the questions. The player who scores the most points wins.
Interactive TikTok version
Engage the kids in interactive activities if you want them to get excited! There was a popular Would You Rather Thanksgiving edition trend on Tiktok where everyone in the family could participate.
The answers are split into the left and right sides of the screen, so all you need to do is head in the direction of your preferred answer.
Videos on Tiktok have background music, so participants can get goofy or dance while choosing answers.
This activity has no age limit, so it will be fun for kids, teens, and adults alike. It gets wackier as more family members participate.
Thanksgiving Would You Rather
Thanksgiving ‘Would You Rather’ is a perfect activity that can be enjoyed by kids and adults of all ages. It’s the perfect game to play with your family after dinner. Alternative game options include having everyone choose a side of the room to answer the questions, making it an active game as well.

- Would you rather spend Thanksgiving with your immediate family or have a grand extended family gathering?
- Would you rather serve a themed Thanksgiving dinner or anything goes?
- Would you rather be seated next to someone who never stops talking or one who constantly eats from your plate?
- Would you rather have Thanksgiving dinner with family members or with 3 of your celebrities?
- Would you rather travel to your favorite holiday destination alone on Thanksgiving or spend Thanksgiving with your entire family at home?
- Would you rather eat a pie that lets you stay at your present age for 300 years and then continue aging or eat a pie that adds 300 years to your life?
- Would you rather be the one in charge of all the cooking or be the dishwasher after dinner?
- Would you rather share your room for Thanksgiving with five family members or share your room with a turkey?
- Would you rather express your gratitude in writing or out loud?
- Would you rather give thanks for your accomplishments or for the lessons you have learned?
- Would you rather share the best Thanksgiving dinner you’ve had in years with strangers or share it with friends and family that only tastes okay?
- Would you rather be the best host or the best cook?
- Would you rather travel back in time to Thanksgiving Day 10 years ago or into the future 10 years from now?
- Would you rather be without gravy or cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather use the microwave or the fire pit to cook Thanksgiving dinner?
- Would you rather eat Thanksgiving food all month long or never have the chance to experience a Thanksgiving feast again?
- Would you rather watch the Thanksgiving parade live or tune in on television?
- Would you rather celebrate Christmas in Disneyland or Thanksgiving in Disneyland?
- Would you rather eat your thanksgiving dinner in silence or have an awkward conversation?
- Would you rather talk politics at the adults’ table or sit at the kid’s table?
- Would you rather perform at the NFL halftime show or be a coach for a day?
- Would you rather bake all the dessert pies or mash all the potatoes?
- Would you rather get an invitation to have dinner with the royal family or be the one to invite them over for Thanksgiving dinner?
- Would you rather lead the Thanksgiving parade or have Thanksgiving dinner with the president in the White House?
This Or That Thanksgiving Edition
This or That is another Thanksgiving icebreaker game that you can play at the family dinner table. You can print out separate cards for the adult table and the kid table, allowing everyone to enjoy this fun game.
- Mom’s cooking or Dad’s cooking?
- Turkey or Ham?
- Board games or football?
- Seafood gumbo or Chicken & Sausage gumbo
- Black Friday shopping online or Black Friday shopping in the mall?
- Gravy train or a teensy bit of gravy?
- Take-out or home-cooked?
- Raisin stuffing or stuffing without raisins?
- Eat or Drink?
- Black Friday or Cyber Monday?
- Cook or Clean?
- Thanksgiving at home or at a friend’s/family’s house?
- Pumpkin pie or apple pie?

- Sweaters or flannels?
- Mashed potatoes and gravy or Cheesy potatoes?
- Cranberry sauce or gravy?
- Host dinner or attend dinner?
- Stuffing or mashed potatoes?
- Extrovert or Introvert?
- White gravy or Brown gravy?
- Watch football or Play football?
- Rolls or biscuits?
- Travel or stay home?
- Bean casserole or Mac & Cheese?
- Canned cranberry sauce or fresh cranberry sauce?
- Wine or Champagne?
- Spicy turkey or Roasted turkey?
- Comfortable outfit or fancy outfit?
- Corn or Beans?
- Macy’s Day Thanksgiving Parade or Football game?
- Pecan pie or Pumpkin pie?
- Squash or Turnip?
- Take a nap or play football?
- Sweet potato casserole or Yams?
- Pumpkin spice or apple cinnamon?
- Appetizer or Dessert?
- Overstuff yourself or Eat leftovers?
- Turkey soup or a Turkey sandwich?
- Thanksgiving or Christmas?
- Turkey trot or sleep in?
- Sweet potatoes or Mashed potatoes?
- Fried turkey or Baked turkey?
- Morning or Night?
- Green beans or Green bean casserole?
- Collard greens or Salad?
- Apple juice or Spiked cider?
🤓 Suggested read: Random Questions To Ask Teenagers
Funny Thanksgiving Questions
- What would you choose to eat if you could only eat one food on this table for the rest of your life?
- Who would make the best news anchor at this table?
- In the unlikely event that our family was to have a sitcom, what would it be called, who would be the star, and what would the theme song be?
- Can you imagine not showering or brushing your teeth for a week?
- Which famous person do you think would get along best with whom at Thanksgiving dinner?
- What is the best dad joke you’ve ever heard?
- How would your Thanksgiving menu look if you could create it with all of your favorite foods?
- What would you be known for if you were famous?
- Who would you invite to Thanksgiving dinner if you could invite someone famous (living or dead)?
- When was the last time you experienced something hilarious?
- Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving joke?
- What would you be if you were a dessert or food on this table?
- Among the vegetables on this table, which one would you like to be and why?
- Is there a Thanksgiving guilty pleasure you can’t resist?

Thanksgiving Would You Rather For Kids
These Thanksgiving Would You Rather question cards will add some fun dinner conversations.
- Would you rather spend Thanksgiving participating in a scavenger hunt or playing Would you rather?
- Would you rather have a family game night after dinner or play football after dinner?
- Would you rather have sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes?
- Would you rather stay up all day watching football or watching the Thanksgiving parade?
- Would you rather forget about Thanksgiving or forget about Halloween?
- Would you rather have a stomach ache from overeating or go to bed hungry?
- Would you rather be seated next to your noisy grandpa who slaps your back constantly or your fussy grandma who stuffs your plate full of food?
- Would you rather consume raw pumpkins or raw cranberries?
- Would you rather play the role of Charlie Brown or play the role of Snoopy?
- Would you rather eat apple pie topped with cranberry sauce or a pumpkin pie smothered with gravy?

- Would you rather have Thanksgiving without mashed potatoes or mash 100 potatoes?
- Would you rather drink gravy or cranberry sauce if there’s no water or other beverages to drink?
- Would you rather indulge in all the Halloween candy you want or all the Thanksgiving pie you want?
- Would you rather eat salty apple pie or sweet Thanksgiving turkey?
- Would you rather listen to family members express gratitude for an hour or write thank you cards to friends?
- Would you rather go without a turkey for Thanksgiving or no presents for Christmas?
- Would you rather have a tasty and juicy turkey leg or the larger wishbone piece?
- Would you rather feel bloated and full constantly or hungry all day?
- Would you rather drink soda with cranberry sauce or sparkling water with gravy?
- Would you rather use a spoon to eat your dinner or use your bare hands?
- Would you rather appear in your pajamas at Thanksgiving dinner or wear fancy clothes?
- Would you rather eat burnt apple pie or soggy apple pie?
- Would you rather make a list of 10 things you’re grateful for or say 20 things you’re grateful for?
- Would you rather lock yourself up in your room and pretend to be asleep or entertain guests on Thanksgiving?
🦃 Suggested read: Thanksgiving Word Search Puzzles For Kids (PDF Download)
Thanksgiving Questions For Students
If you’re looking for ideas on games for your teens to play, this icebreaker activity includes fun questions that are easy to answer. If you’re not ready for Truth or Dare or having to tell everyone your embarrassing life story, then ‘Would You Rather’ kinds of questions are the safer option.
- Would you rather dedicate a whole week to wearing a Pilgrim costume to school or write a five-page essay about your gratitude?
- Would you rather not have mashed potatoes or not have turkey for Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather invite your teacher to your house for Thanksgiving dinner or have Thanksgiving dinner at their house?
- Would you rather go to your principal’s home for Thanksgiving dinner or spend Thanksgiving Day trapped in school?
- Would you rather sing a song in front of your class or walk around with mashed potatoes on your head?
- Would you rather stay in bed on Thanksgiving Day or help out in the kitchen?
- Would you rather dress your pet on Halloween or dress your pet on Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather wear turkey feathers on your butt or a pumpkin stem on your head to class?
- Would you rather wear a pumpkin customer or a turkey costume to school?
- Would you rather have dinner with your teacher or the president on Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather finish a turkey in one sitting or not have turkey at all?
- Would you rather give thanks before Thanksgiving dinner or recite your piece after dinner?
- Would you rather be speed-training a turkey or rolling a 35lb pumpkin around a high school track?
- Would you rather cook Thanksgiving dinner for your family or work at a homeless shelter on Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving Icebreaker Questions
- Would you rather receive or give?
- Would you rather eat dinner in fancy clothes or pajamas on Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather celebrate Thanksgiving for a month or celebrate Christmas for a month?
- Would you rather go to work on Thanksgiving or call your boss after dinner to wish him Happy Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather have too much food or not enough food on Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather eat crunchy mashed potatoes or an undercooked turkey?
- Would you rather wear a Pilgrim costume for a day in school or have leftover Thanksgiving food for your school lunch all month?
- Would you rather spend Thanksgiving slaving away in the kitchen preparing the meal or entertain your most annoying cousin?
- Would you rather eat a platter of mashed potatoes or a platter of stuffing?
- Would you rather have a bland turkey or one that seems overly salty?
- Would you rather run an 8-mile Turkey Trot or skip Thanksgiving dinner with your family?
- Would you rather live forever eating only fruit and vegetables or live forever eating candy?
- Would you rather eat Thanksgiving dinner without your favorites or have all of your favorites that others don’t like?
- Would you rather dine in a space shuttle or an underwater ocean-view restaurant for Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather spend the whole day cooking Thanksgiving dinner or cleaning up afterward?
- Would you rather play with your cousins or sleep after the Thanksgiving feast?
- Would you rather set the table before dinner or clear the table after dinner?
- Would you rather get paid $100 for each pumpkin pie you eat or get paid $1000 not to eat on Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather go on a luxurious trip or dine lavishly on Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather eat all of your meals with a spoon or without any utensils?
- Would you rather be celebrating Thanksgiving in 1900 or 2100?

Thanksgiving Would You Rather Funny
- Would you rather do the chicken dance when you speak or gobble after everything you say?
- Would you rather be a turkey with pig’s feet or a pig with turkey legs?
- Would you rather consume raw corn on the cob or an entire onion?
- Would you rather listen to a gross story and lose your appetite or wear pants two sizes too small while enjoying the feast?
- Would you rather have to starve every Thanksgiving or eat at your least favorite restaurant every Thanksgiving?
- Would you rather have perfectly cooked dishes with a burnt turkey or a perfectly cooked turkey while the rest of the dishes were burnt?
- Would you rather be sitting alone at your own table eating all by yourself or constantly being asked to pass food?
- Would you rather go swimming in cranberry juice pool or a jello pool?
- Would you rather cry gravy tears or make a gobbling noise every time you sneeze?
- Would you rather wash your hair with gravy or bathe in cranberry sauce?
- Would you rather scoop up a 50-pound pumpkin or grab a live turkey with your bare hands?
- Would you rather get a pumpkin tattoo or a turkey tattoo?
- Would you rather eat mashed potatoes that contain a fly or a pie whose salt and sugar was accidentally switched by the cook?
- Would you rather eat turkey for the next seven days or apple pie for the next seven days?
- Would you rather fall into a pile of stuffing or a pile of mashed potatoes?
- Would you rather have hiccups throughout Thanksgiving dinner or burp loudly in front of everyone?
- Would you rather smell like a turkey for a week or gobble like a turkey for a week?

Thanksgiving Would You Rather PDF
Download all these ‘Would You Rather’ questions in printable PDF cards for your next Thanksgiving and print them at home.