During the teenage years, many young people start having questions about God and Christianity.
One of the most common questions is: “How to get closer to God as a teenager”?
At this age, it’s natural to be wondering about God’s role in your life and to create a deeper personal relationship with your Creator.
In this post, we will look at ways Christian teenagers can get closer to God and also answer some burning questions teenagers might have.
- Tip #1: Read & Study Your Bible Regularly
- Tip #2: Pray & Talk To God
- Tip #3: Keep A Journal Of Your Faith
- Tip #4: Teach & Explain Christianity To Others
- Tip #5: Spend Time With Friends That Love God
- Tip #6: Participate In Activities That Get You Closer To God
- Tip #7: Use The Gifts God Has Given You
- Tip #8: Be Aware Of The Media You Consume
- Related Questions
- Summary & Final Thoughts
Tip #1: Read & Study Your Bible Regularly
You can find all Christian teachings in the Bible, and you can always turn to the Holy Scriptures whenever you have questions about God.
The first thing you will require is a Bible of your own, but make sure you have the version your church uses to avoid confusion when reading passages in church.
The most popular versions of the Bible include:
- King James Version (55%)
- New International Version (19%)
- New Revised Standard Version (7%)
- New American Bible (6%)
- The Living Bible (5%)
- All other translations (8%)
Reading and studying the Bible regularly is crucial as it enables Christian teens to learn more about God and understand what He expects of them.
Therefore, when we read the Bible, we get to know God better.
We can see into His heart and what He desires. He lets us know what pleases and grieves Him.
“You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:14-15).
As you can see, reading the Word is like speaking to God directly. You can understand His desires and drink from his cup of wisdom. Even if you have a busy schedule, make sure to always spare a few minutes to read the Bible when you wake up or just before you go to sleep.
You might enjoy these: Bible Verses For Teens
Tip #2: Pray & Talk To God
Communication is a major contributing factor in building a strong relationship.
Praying and spending quality time is one of the most effective ways to communicate with and get closer to God as a teenager.
It doesn’t matter if you pray once a day or many times a day.
There is no correct formula for communicating with God.
Simply spend some quiet time with Him and tell him what’s in your heart.
You can show your gratitude for the good things God is doing in your life.
Even when you are going through bad times, you can still thank God for things like good health and fresh air.
Have a challenging conversation with God, tell Him about your doubts or worries and ask for guidance if you feel like things aren’t going your way.
Pray for others and ask God to bless them too.
Praying is a habit you have to develop. To get the ball rolling, pray the first time you step out of your bed in the morning.
Keep doing it every day till you get used to it. You will start to notice that your relationship with God strengthens after consistently praying for a couple of weeks.
🙏 You might also find these Bible verses for teenage breakups useful.
Tip #3: Keep A Journal Of Your Faith
Why is keeping a journal of your faith important?
Firstly, journaling allows you to connect with and get closer to God.
When writing, pour out your fears, pain, worries, needs, and aspirations. Let God know what’s in your heart and tell him what you need from him.
You can ask for things like peace, love, strength, or even an improvement in your grades – write them all down.
You could also write down the scriptures related to what you are writing.
Secondly, journaling encourages you to think of all the things you need to thank God for.
During tough times, many Christians tend to forget about the good things in their lives and focus only on the negative.
Thirdly, journaling helps you to reevaluate the issues or trials in your life. Think about why you are facing a certain problem, how it’s affecting your life, and evaluate why it’s even happening.
God could be preparing you for greater things.
You can only make such assessments if you can write your feelings down in black and white.
Lastly, journaling allows you to avoid negative thoughts in your life. Writing down questions like “Why don’t I believe in my ability to join the school team?” helps you filter out the negative thoughts and make you understand that God has good plans for you.
Tip #4: Teach & Explain Christianity To Others
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15).
Jesus wants you to spread the Word of God to as many people as possible. Once you develop an intimate relationship with God, you qualify to preach the gospel to others.
There are probably many kids in your school or community who haven’t accepted Jesus Christ in their lives yet. Or they have but have not built a strong relationship with him.
Be the light that helps them see the benefits of moving closer to God.
Be on the lookout for kids who feel discouraged, sad, or are battling low self-esteem. Read the scriptures to them and tell them Jesus loves them and is ready to take them as his children.
Remember, some of these kids have never spoken to anyone who has encouraged them to build a good relationship with God.
So take the opportunity to help more people to know God and fill the world with God’s love.
Tip #5: Spend Time With Friends That Love God
Psalms 1–41 says: “Blessed is the man, Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.”
This verse emphasizes the importance of seeking the company of other believers.
However, this doesn’t mean that you should avoid anyone who does not believe in Christ’s teachings, even when some of them are your friends. It only advises you to limit the company of non-believers.
It is easy to see why fellowship with other Christians is crucial to living a spiritual life.
First, when you associate with worldly friends, they might engage in ungodly activities that tempt you to compromise your integrity.
Secondly, being in a Christian community enables you to fight temptations with your church family and focus on what Jesus wants you to do.
With like-minded friends, you can keep each other accountable and ensure that you always do things that please God.
Tip #6: Participate In Activities That Get You Closer To God
Everyone can learn a lot through socialization. Below are some activities that will help you grow bonds of fellowship and strengthen your relationship with God:
Concerts bring together Christians of all ages and from all walks of life with one goal – to worship God. Concerts help teens see that other kids like them strive to build a better personal relationship with God. Ask fellow believers about worship concerts in your area. Also, you can Google “worship concerts” online and you’ll find many to choose from.
Mission Trips
Mission trips enable teens to spread the gospel and in the process, win more souls for Christ. It is a great way to get closer to God as you will be doing something that helps other people see the light. There are local and national tips, you can even try an international mission trip if you’re feeling adventurous. Check with your church to find one that suits you.
Youth Groups
Teenagers can significantly improve their relationship with God by joining a Christian youth group. A youth group will help you make new Christian friends and to become stronger in your faith.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation classes are meant to help teenagers understand the core principles of Christianity. Usually, students confirm their faith in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit once they complete the class. If you’re unsure about strengthening your faith in God, a confirmation class can help you get closer to the Creator.
Teen Bible Study Classes
Enrolling in a teen Bible study class is instrumental in helping you understand the Bible passages better. One of the main problems Christian teenagers face is difficulty comprehending some of the scriptures. At a Bible study class, you can ask all the questions you have, which will help you better understand and get closer to God.
Youth Camps & Retreats
Youth retreats provide an opportunity for teenagers to bond and share their love and respect for God. Such retreats are perfect, especially for teens who haven’t established a good relationship with Jesus. When you see other teens worshiping God, this provides the affirmation you need to continue on your Christian path. Ask your church’s youth leader about the next youth camp or retreat.
Volunteering is another activity that cultivates the culture of service to humanity and helps teenagers become model Christians. You can offer to volunteer at places like local farms and animal shelters. You can also work with nonprofit organizations and participate in community cleanup exercises and feeding the less fortunate in society.
Tip #7: Use The Gifts God Has Given You
Every Christian teenager is special in the eyes of God and has talents and gifts that they can use to serve the Lord, show love to others, and help make the world a better place.
When you use your gifts to serve others and share God’s Word, this will help your spiritual growth.
Teenagers who love singing can lead the praise and worship sessions in the church’s program.
Going on mission trips is another opportunity to showcase your talents in the service of God.
You can use any of your God-given talents like drawing, playing football, athletics, public speaking, weaving, and interior design.
Unsure what your talent is? Simply think about what you love doing most and share your gift with others. This is the most spiritually fulfilling way to serve others and get closer to God.
Tip #8: Be Aware Of The Media You Consume
In the modern world, you can consume whatever content you want with the click of a button.
The options are endless – from Netflix, YouTube, social media, and streaming sites.
Teenagers need to ensure they consume media that pleases God.
If you’re not disciplined, then you can easily drown in secular media that prevents you from leading a Christ-centered life.
For example, try to avoid media promoting drug abuse and violence, as they go against Christ’s teachings.
Teens should strive to consume content that spiritually nourishes them and brings them closer to God.
Some examples of these include: watching Christian movies and shows, Christian music & worship songs, Bible apps, Christian podcasts, and content on Christian groups on social media.
Related Questions
How can I hear God’s voice?
God speaks to us in prayer. Pray to God, tell him your worries and fears and ask for his guidance. God will then speak to you through the Holy Spirit by revealing a word, a scripture, a picture, a song, or something that answers your prayer request.
How do I talk to God?
You can talk with God through prayer, where you pour out your heart to him. You can speak to God by reading the scriptures and noting what he commands us to do. You can communicate with God by writing down your thoughts and assessing them with regard to how you relate to God.
How do you spend time with God?
You can spend some time with God by reading and highlighting verses in the Bible, listening to worship and praise songs, attending a sermon, praying, and keeping a gratitude journal. Spending time with God allows you to stay strong in faith and avoid worldly temptations.
How do you stay close to God?
You can stay close to God by spreading the Good Word, volunteering, praying, reading the Bible regularly, and using your talents to serve others.
- Trust in God’s protection.
- Depend on God’s power.
- Rely on God’s provisions.
- Wait for God’s plans.
- Focus on God’s perfection.
- Hold on to God’s promises.
- Believe in God’s providence.
- Search for God’s purposes.
Does God speak to me in my dreams?
Occasionally, God will speak to you in your dreams. God understands each one of us intimately. So, if you have been praying for something, he can answer through a dream. He may also use other people to pass the message, for instance, a preacher or a friend sharing a similar dream with you.
Summary & Final Thoughts
Many teenagers can have a hard time understanding God or the concept of religion as a whole.
Luckily, you can get closer to God by simply doing the following:
- read and study the Bible regularly
- pray to God
- keep a journal of your faith
- preach the gospel to others
- spend time with Christian friends
- participate in godly activities
- use your gifts to serve God
- watch what media you consume
Remember, a good Christian can build a strong relationship with the Lord through their words, deeds, and actions.